How to go through Ruin B-02 (easily) in Tower of Fantasy

The Tower of Fantasy ruins are the triangular structures that you can enter to defeat enemies, solve puzzles and fulfill the research goals in exchange for amazing awards. To the left of the Banges dock you can find ruins B-02. If you enter it in light mode, you will encounter puzzles with a pressure plate, which can be solved using metal cubes.

All locations of chests and puzzles solutions in Tower of Fantasy Ruin B-02 (Easy)

two chests in ruins b-02

Entering the ruins, defeat all enemies in the region. You will immediately notice a chest behind the spikes. Attack the branches with fire weapons to burn them, then rob the first chest.

The second chest is in the same room. Spray a huge clearing in the center and defeat all enemies. Enter the room below and take the second chest. As soon as this is done, return upstairs to continue the study of the ruins.

puzzle with the first pressure plate

To the left of the chest with spikes you will find a staircase leading to the room with a puzzle with a pressure plate. Raise Cube and throw it in center of the pressure plate. This will make the plate change the color from red to blue and subsequently open the door leading further to the ruins. Due to the features of the cube, he can slide from his place, even if you aim at the center. If this happens, just try again!

Riddle The second pressure plate

Enter the door open, and you will find yourself in the area with two pressure plates and two more rooms blocked spikes. First, use fire weapons to get rid of rosehips that block the room.

Go to the room K left , where enemies are waiting for you. Having defeated them, Raise the cube and take it to the room on the right. In the room on the right you will find another cube locked behind the gate . To open these gates, use the cube earlier and throw it onto the clamping plate (inside the room, not outside). The plate should change the color from red to blue, opening the gate.

Raise the cube from the unlocked gate and take it out into the area with two pressure plates. Throw him at any of the plates until he becomes blue. Return to room on the right then lift cube on the clamping plate and transfer it to the second clamping plate on the outside. It should also become blue. This will open the next room. The rest of the ruins can be passed by defeating all the enemies that will stand in your way.

Ruin Check out our guidance on how to get Omnium Beast's left hand to Tower of Fantasy, and decide more puzzles in Banges.


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