LOL: The two items canceled by Riot that could have made the MOBA quite different

The 12th season of League of Legends is already very close to the end, and as usual, the preseason will ing experimental changes to the MOB, which can (or not) be implemented in 2023. With so many updates, one of the greatest pains of Head that the Riot Games developers have faced in recent years has been the fault of nothing more, nothing less than an invocation spell: Teleport. The TP has received constant and glaring changes, which changed the goal of the game, and it seems that the developer even thought of eliminating it. **

This is because Riot introduced some very interesting BE items that basically did the full function of teleport-which could further move the player's experience in Summoner's Rift. But happy or unfortunately, it seems that we will never see them in LOL.

The items that would have changed League of Legends forever

One of the goals of Riot Games according to the preseason preview is to give generalized buffs to the top route players. The focus is to make changes to improve the experience of these players, helping champions to climb faster, reach Power Spike faster etc. One of these attempts-totally creative and experimental-was the creation of two items that included an active effect that would allow the champions to telling by the map, something that would improve the current Teleport . All the two could be used in allied structures, vision sentry, minions and even champions of the same team-something relatively stolen, by the way.

Just seeing the two items, you can have an idea that they would become two of the most powerful in the game . However, there are some problems that seem almost impossible to solve: nothing would prevent, for example, that teleport boots from becoming popular in champions of other positions (such as supports). inging them to the game could ing back the moves that Riot Games wanted to avoid when it nerved the summoner spell to almost have no offensive use before 14 minutes of play.


It is true that Wild Rift has boots that allow the teleport. However, unlike in the original game, the mobile version has a whole system favorable for the existence of these items: Choosing them implies giving up effects like Deltona . Although it may seem to be a good idea to do a similar system on the computer, it would require double work (not just the implementation of the boots), which in itself would cause many problems.

As for the second item, we are facing a more complex situation, as it would steal the identity of a single champion. Sword on the stone is almost identical to the ultimate intensity . Although on other occasions Riot Games has introduced items that steal skills from certain champions, the company has been criticized whenever it did. And in this case, I would be moving in a character released for over twelve years that has a unique mechanics among all more than 160 champions.

For every way, the developer Phlox reported that the items were an initial exploration of possible changes in Top Lane and that they entered the BE patch for pure mistake. Nevertheless, it is possible to expect new (or reformulated) items in LOL preseason 13, as well as the return of the controversial Dragon Quite, updates in the vision system and recommendations and so on.


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