Call of Duty Warzone: ¿Habrá evento de Halloween?

The Call of Duty license is about to experience a decisive turning point in its history, at least if we pay attention to what Activision says. In fact, on October 28 we can welcome Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, and on November 16 the new Battle Royale, Call of Duty: War zone 2.0 will appear on consoles.

Meanwhile, players are focused on finishing the battle pass in time, before season 5 comes to an end of once. However, and with the proximity of the respective releases but also from the Halloween party, an issue arises: Most games offer an event, will Raven Software do the same with its Battle Royale despite the launch from War zone 2.0?

Will War zone organize a Halloween event?

Every year since the launch of War zone in March 2020, We have been entitled to two weeks of horror, most of the time with zombies waking up at the Battle Royale or the appearance of ghosts. We are already in mid-October, we have not yet received any information about a possible Halloween event. Unfortunately, It is very likely that this year nothing is given the calendar so tight of Activision .

In addition, if we look at the road map of War zone and Vanguard season, we do not have indications of a possible next event related to Halloween: there are no zombies or serial killers ready to join Battle Royale.


There's no hope?

However, even if nothing appears on the road map of Call of Duty: War zone Season 5 , the Raven Software Battle Royale has been enjoying a list of game modes for months that you see how experiences are going gradually rotating. And although Activision has not announced anything, Surprise could appear as a farewell to War zone 1.


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