Where is the best place for AFK in NI No Kuni Cross Worlds
The collection of resources is one of the most important things that you need to do when playing Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds. You can collect these resources, defeating different enemies on the map. The use of automatic battle can help simplify the collection of resources, since you will automatically use your familiarians and special abilities, but there is only one problem. If you stay away from the keyboard for too long, the game will start counting you on a timeout.
- What are the best places for the AFK farm in Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds?
- How are you AFK in Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds
In fact, this means that you cannot farm resources using AFK (without a keyboard). Despite this failure, you can still farm AFK so that you can perform several tasks during the game. So how exactly do you do it?
What are the best places for the AFK farm in Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds?
In fact, there is only one place that is best suited for AFK farm. First you will need to unlock the Chaos Field call. When you open the game menu and select the chaos field, you will need to choose the ancient ruins. Here you will fight with different monsters exclusively for the purpose of mining resources.
How are you AFK in Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds
If you want AFK at Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds, you will have to do this using an automatic clique. Automatic clicks imitate a click by the mouse, so the game does not stop you along the Timeshu. You can choose any application from your choice, but for this example we have chosen an automatic clique. Please note that Pro Game Guides is not responsible for any problems that may arise as a result of loading any recommended software or applications.
You can configure an automatic clicer so that it clicks as often as you want, supporting the autobos in normal mode. However, on mobile devices there is an easier way to do this. When you fight enemies using autobos, you can go to the main menu and select the AFK button, which will translate the game into a kind of sleeping mode. When you wake him, moving the strip on the screen, you will get everything you got while the game was asleep.
To obtain additional information about Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds, read Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds-All Familiars Tier List and can you change the server in Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds? In professional game guides.
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