What is a semant? Speaking product Wordle in hard mode

Want a call? Try this supercomplicated game to guess the words inspired by Wordle. This will really challenge your knowledge of the dictionary and the skills of working with Thezaurus.

What is a semant?

Semantl is a game of guessing words inspired by the popular Wordle game. Unlike Wordle, where you guess the word in the letter, in Semantle you guess it in the meaning. This means that the study of Thezaurus will make you much better in the game. You can play it for free, as in Wordle.


How do you play Semantle?

Semantle is played using an unlimited number of guesses to try to find a word. Do not write words with the title letter, as you guess, but otherwise you can well guess what you want. With each assumption, you will be told how close you are. The word is found in similar meanings, and not by similar spelling.

Semantle Best Strategies

Here are a few strategies that you should try for Semantle:

  • Do not rush. The game is not designed for a while and is dropped every 24 hours, so you do not need to rush.
  • There are no restrictions on how often you can guess, so do not hesitate to guess whatever you think.
  • Remember that how close you are depends on the definition of a word, and not on its writing. It is easy to get confused in spelling, as in Wordle, but remember that the importance is of key value, and this will help you work better.
  • If you doubt, do not hesitate to guess random words to light your mind.

Want to know more about additional Wordle games? If so, check out the section What is Quolture? Wordle spin-off with a quote from a movie in Pro Game Guides.


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