The Last Whale Singer: This animated film is completely created with Unreal Engine 5!
The Unreal Engine can undoubtedly be referred to as a defining and groundbreaking graphic software: countless developer studios have already conjured up a wide variety of video games on PCs and consoles with the program and that should not change in the future either.
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For example, Eidos Montreal, for example, revealed that the studio is developing several titles in the Unreal Engine 5 and the current version of the graphic software is now also being used for the massively shifted The Day Before. But apparently the unreal engine (buy now) can also be extremely useful outside the video game industry, as the German film studio Telescope Animation proves.
The Last Whale Singer: An animated film with a message
This now wants to produce a whole animated film in the Unreal Engine 5 : "The Last Whale Singer" or "The last singer of the whales", as the film will be in German, should be completed by 2025, a first teaser is presented at this year's film festival Marché du Film in Cannes, which has been taking place since yesterday and until May 25th.
At the wheel of "The last singer of the whale" , the two co -COS of Telescope Animation: Reza Memari (high -flyer - small birds, big clatter) writes and staged while Maite Woköck (my chaosfee & I ) The production takes over. Memari emphasizes that "the last singer of the whales" should convey a very special message:
_ "It is a story about radical vulnerability and the power of a voice that bravely sings through the fear to inspire others. The Last Whale Singer also contains another important message that is very important to me - the urgent need to respect and protect the environment. "_
Woköck is also enthusiastic about the idea behind the film:"The incredible journey of this whale [is] to a huge, intertwined story universe over several media platforms. As a producer, it is a real joy in a project of such a narrative abundance and Great potential for the global market to work. "_
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