Botw: Zelda players let nasty opponents look stupid out of the laundry

Almost every Zelda player has already gone to a Yiga in Breath of the Wild. The nasty half -sparks dress up as normal NPCs and then attack you out of the ambush. A few creative players have now turned the skewer.

Breath of the Wild: Link holds Yiga to fool

The enemy Yiga clan in the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is known for the fact that its members like to camouflage themselves as normal civilians in a moment of surprise . To do this, you only have to start a conversation with the ~~ conspicuous ~~ - um, of course with the well -clad - design. In this they drop all the covers and transform in front of your eyes to attack you.

Now Zelda fans make fun and prepare their attacks on the Yiga Incognito before they even have a chance to attack first. How it works? For example using the Stasis module. In the following clip you can see how a Reddit user placed a huge stone right next to the opponent and prepared so that he immediately hurled away the would-be ninja, As soon as the conversation is ended:

The trend is not necessarily new. In recent years there have been creative ideas from players and players to make life difficult for the Yiga. For example, some had thrown their sword into the air so perfectly that it ends up on the opponent when it comes to impact:

Others shot their arrows in such a way that they powdered the opponents immediately:

And the very sadistic links simply put the Yiga on fire to slowly watch them die:

It is always amazing how creative Breath-of-the-Wild fans are. Even today, new and old fans always find innovative ways to torture their opponents or to open chests that should never be opened. The latter has recently succeeded in the subsequent Zelda professional: **

You are of the opinion that the game knows and by heart? Then proves your skills and stand up to our extra difficult quiz for the legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild:

Fighting Calamity Ganon TOO LATE!..WW Link in Zelda Breath of the Wild (Spoilers)

the ultimate quiz zu Zelda - Breath of the Wild


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