Will "Star Wars" in Kingdom Hearts 4?

From the output of the trailer for Kingdom Hearts 4, the fans analyzed it for any prompts and details that they could find. The world of Kingdom Hearts is a mysterious place, and you never know what you will find. So, fans found something... associated with "Star Wars"?

It is currently not confirmed Whether "Star Wars" will appear in Kingdom Hearts 4. However, there are good reason to believe that this will happen.

Kingdom Hearts is not new to travel around the worlds of different franchises, in fact, that's all you need. Thanks to the numerous acquisitions made by Disney in recent years, it opens up even more opportunities, worlds and areas associated with Kingdom Hearts.

Temptic fans noticed something similar to the leg of AT-ST shape in the forest part of the trailer. It made many of many believe that the game can explore such a place as the Forest Moon of Endor from the sixth episode of "Star Wars: Jedi's return."

This is definitely a moment, and you will skip this moment in the trailer, so Square Enix and Disney are very subtle and secretly belong to the crossover if it happens in the newest game Kingdom Hearts.

Once it was supposed to be a mobile game called Kingdom Hearts: Fragmented Keys, in which the star wars crossover should have been, but the game was canceled, and with her a crossover.

So it is possible that Square Enix and Disney instead decided to put a big event in one of the main games. Of course, we are glad to know!

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