Steam: New Multiplayer Horror

If the Ghostbusters get a pinch of Phasmophobia and a car load prop hunt, it is probably something like the new Steam-Game Midnight Ghost Hunt. And the name is program: With the 4V4 multiplayer game, hunters arrive against ghosts and operate at all sorts of tactics to fight themselves. And best of all, the first videos look outragefully good.

Steam-Newcomer looks outrageous well

Since March 31, the Scary Multiplayer Action Game Midnight Ghost Hunt is started in the Early Access phase. The pure online game provides you with exciting 4V4 rounds in which a page takes over the ghost hunters and the other spirits.

While the ghosts must be hidden as objects as in Prop Hunt as objects as objects, the hunters try different weapons and gagdents ** to get the spirits to eliminate them. If you do not succeed until midnight, the sheet turns and the hunters will be hunted.

Check out the incredibly cute horror game once in following trailer more accurately:

If you want to see more Gameplay material , you can also use this YouTube video with English comment.

Midnight Ghost Hunt is looking for the Topseller home

WE GET HAUNTED AND HUNTED | Midnight Ghost Hunt OXBOX vs EUROGAMER Multiplayer Scares Even with the PC players on Steam, the ghost hunter action is good: the game is already in the Top 10 of Charts . The first 1,000 reviews draw a very positive picture. 85 percent of all playing make a positive rating (Source: Steam).

Before all things the game fun with friends and the many ways to influence the game events with different objects. So do not get up much boredom.

However, the Balancing is still expandable and also the matchmaking course is still very bumpy. But many see great potential in the early access game and find the current state of the game already very successful.


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