Cat Girl Without Salad – April Fools Meets Fever Dream

A few years ago, Way forward published a joke trailer for a joke game on April Fool's day. This year, they came back, but with a real game of joke. Cat Girl Without Salad was born from the unanimous reaction of fans to I would play really and with a surprise exit, it is now available on Nintendo Switch. It looks like the anime has taken acid, in common sense. This game claims to combine all kinds of games, and even if it should be taken with a grain of salt, it does it very interestingly.

The trailer shows a 2D bullet hell gameplay where the player takes control of Kebab, a cat girl without salad. As many in this genus, there are different weapons and bonuses that you can collect, but in the unique way of Cat Girl Without Salad, you will recognize a lot. For example, the Platform Gun draws a 2D sprite that takes the installation of a very emblematic platform character that is not totally Mega Man. The Gun Puzzle with a familiar target reticle transforms enemies into colored cloves that seem to be able to match three of them. RPG Gun is less like a blade gun than a barrel blade.

Catgirl Without Salad - Walkthrough FULL GAME - No Commentary There are many other weapons that Cat Girl Without Salad has to offer, but you only have to experiment for themselves. If there was something that would make you arcs-in-sky, that would be that one. Cat Girl Without Salad: Amuse-mouth is now available on Nintendo Switch, against all reason.

~~ Are you going to pick up Cat Girl Without Salad? ~~ How quickly do you pick up Cat Girl Without Salad? Let us know in the comments below.


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