Valorant: After a terrible bug in Fracture, the map is not available in the qualifiers

When a new map arrives at Valorant, the developers integrate it little by little in the game. After being available for the first time in normal mode, it is added after a few days of playable maps retardation in qualifiers . But whether you are ready or not, it is always fed up complex discovering a new playable surroundings ... you have to re-read the names of the different positions, check that we know all the shot angles to wait for the camperos and dominate the Different mechanics of the map.

So it is not uncommon to be a little lost at first and be killed as surprising as ridiculous by those who take a few more games. But in this case things get a little more ugly than normal, and the game experience is not the optimal. Fracture Faces a very annoying error that prevents the normal development of meetings.

Integrating DEI into the game development process

Spike , that bomb transcrip that we have in the world of Valorant, appears regularly below the map and no one can pick it up. This strongly penalizes attackers who can not plant and win the game like that. Therefore, the players in charge of the offensive have a single solution to win the Round: kill all defenders. Therefore, the one who is the most bad of them can play hideaway and wait for time to pass.

Riot Games has received a lot of discontent players reports, which report the bug to the development team. The managers of the valorant adjustment are very aware of the problem, and have eliminated the map of the qualifying rotation. This is the first step, since the problems are minimized and can work without the pressure that the players are suffering from the bug.

They hope to solve the problem around 24 hours . Taking into account that the message was published around 2 in the morning, it will be tonight when Fracture s bug is solved. Meanwhile, we recommend that you get away from Fracture in normal items, but you try to test it in customized to be fully updated by the time it is available again.

Contente of MGG Fr.


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