COD VANGUARD: BETA shows 3 big problems - that's what the developers say

The Beta of Call of Duty: Vanguard now ran almost 4 days and revealed the current weaknesses of the new cod. Meinmommo summarizes opinions of players and shows the 3 biggest problems that the developers have already reacted.

What's going on? The new Call of Duty: Vanguard appears on the 5th of November and currently tests important aspects of the shooter together with the community in a multiplayer beta. The developers of SLEDHAMMER GAMES explicitly ask for factual feedback and got a lot of answers.

Meinmmo looks at the reactions of players and shows what problems have already been addressed by the developers.

1. Problem - visibility, spawns and audio

What is the problem with the visibility? Already in the Alpha, the visibility of the opponents was a problem. But the Vanguard makers have turned to a few graphics controllers and enemies are now clearly recognizable. However, the problems with visibility are not completely disappeared, they have shifted a little.

So enemies are now significantly better from their surroundings, but once they opened the fire, it's the effects of the weapon or the balls, which mistoo . On the one hand, there are strong, exiting mouth gases that produce a veil between you and the opponent with each shot and, on the other, there are distortion effects that affect your field of view.

We bind a screenshot from an English video from the COD expert Thexclsuiveace to illustrate the problem:

The fog in the scene comes from an anesthetic grenade, but the distortion of the opponent comes from the firing weapon, a small automatic pistol. The effect is so violent that it looks like the opponent curve in the middle of the body to avoid the ball.

What is the problem with the spawns? Your Down goes, brings you the game in a more or less random place on the map back into play. An optimal spawn point is roughly defined by 3 points:

Not directly in the visor of an opponent Close to the action, not to run forever You can estimate through your own spawn where the opponent spawns are

For all 3 points, the beta showed some weaknesses. Time players had to run on the big maps forever forever to be able to participate again at the fight, sometimes they appeared directly in the crosshair of the weft opponent. These large fluctuations in turn result in the spawns not reliably predict.

Here are a few comments from players who gave developers via Twitter Feedback (via

@ Deadspace4932: The Spawn logic is completely broken. @slackalot: Red star patrol spawns are so broken. If you spawn, you can wait there for a minute and the complete enemy team spawnt directly before you. @Razki : Repair the spawns, they are so bad at the moment.

What is the problem with the audio? The audio issues work for some players still very immature. Some players relate to the pace and weapon sounds of friends and enemies, with whom it makes sense, from which direction the sounds come.

Others complain about the general quality of the audio effects. For example, the transitions from the different audio areas are very hard. Only a small step decides whether your weapon sounds like you are in the house or fire out there.

Again, the developers have gotten a lot of feedback under their Twitter post:

@ Ciervo78: I can not believe that the step sounds and direction, from the weapons fire comes, in Cold was and modern warfare can be heard better. @Yesimvenom: Improves general audio quality. @ Gamerwinner55: Repair the audio quality, which is far too low. I can not hear any steps of enemies and if, then they are already next to me.

With the comments to the audio, however, 2 directions can be read out of the feedback. Many are not satisfied with the general audio quality, but the quiet step sounds like some players in turn because that supports an aggressive game style. This also hangs together with a PERK from previous cods - dead styles. Modern Warfare from 2019 and Vanguard have only limited field upgrade this PERK.

Developers bring hot fixes for spawns and updates for audio and visibility

What do the developers say? The 3 points listed here dive into the feedback comments most commonly and the developers have already responded:

Tweet translation: We are aware of the spawn problems with, patrol 'and bring a fix to adapt the spawn logic.

Already in the course of the weekend, some smaller updates came to work on problems with the spawns or to change the playlist. The Map Hotel Royale even disappeared completely from a playlist due to the problems with the Spawn system.

Also to the visibility and the audio, the developers have a short comment:

We're Aware There is a Significant Amount of Discussion Around Player Visibility and Audio Mixing. Stay Tuned As We Will Address Some of Our Planned Updates Later This Week.

  • SLEDHAMMER GAMES (@shgames) September 11, 2021

Tweet translation: We are aware that there are many discussions about the visibility of players and audio mixing. We will take the problems with our planned updates over the week .

How much the developers can adapt to the start of the second beta weekend, is currently not saying. The release of Vanguard is also still under 2 months and the developers want to use the beta mainly for player feedback, which is already abundant.

If you want to share your thoughts with the developers, you can leave your feedback on the Twitter account of Sled Hammer Games, if possible in English.

If you have not yet been aortiest the beta yet, then you will find all appointments of the Open Beta on PlayStation, Xbox and PC: Cod Vanguard: Open Beta for all runs this weekend - release, download, appointments

More about Vanguard:

COD VANGUARD: Leak reveals system requirements - should run on 6 year old PCs COD Warzone gets the Vanguard graphics - what does that mean for us players? COD VANGUARD brings Killstreaks back - all 10 streaks of the beta and which are still coming

The problems listed here are probably the biggest chunks in which the developers will nibble in the next few days. But there are not everyone. Already Many complain about the match-making, have problems with the new movement or complain about the maps or the time-to-kill.

In the end, only the developers have the complete overview of which points are the most important and what the COD makers want to work at all - theme Movement and Time-to-Kill.

You are welcome to leave your feedback with us the comments. If you played the beta - how was your impression of the first hours in the game?

You prefer to read more about the details of the multiplayer, look here: cod vanguard: all information about multiplayer - maps, modes and gameplay


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