PS5 vs. Xbox Series X: GPU differences can be neglected, says Parasight CEO

As part of this year's "Summer of Gamings", Parasight's Indie developers announced the ongoing work on their new "Blacktail" project.

At "Blacktail" we have to do it with a first-person adventure, which is based on the myth of the Baba Jaga and will appear in winter for the PC as well as the new generation consoles. In a current interview Bartosz Kapron, the CEO of Parasight, spoke about the hardware of the new consoles and pointed out that the GPU difference between the Xbox Series X and the Playstation 5 can be neglected in practice, as both consoles sufficient power bring along.

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"I think the difference between the PS5 and the Xbox Series X is not so significant. I am pretty sure that every game developer is glad that we have no repetition of the situation from the old generation, where we had a significant difference between the PS4 and the Xbox One - which demanded his tribute especially in recent years, " Led Kapron with a view of the GPUs.

on the subject : PS5 & Xbox Series X / S: Indie developer sees the SSD of the Sony console clear front

And on, "We must consider that when publishing the game on different platforms, we always have to take into account the weakest hardware." Zurfachtig is faced by the Xbox Series S, which allows a favorable entry into the new console generation, due to however, the weaker hardware could develop into a problem in the next few years.

"I think the Series S is a very ambivalent hardware. On the one hand, the new generation makes it much cheaper. On the other hand, every doubt has whether it is not a problem, especially if the next generation is finally starting. Personally, I think that despite the obvious difference in the target resolution in the future, we will also experience scaling the attitude between Series X and S, "it says.

Source: Gamingbolt

Further messages to PS5, Xbox Series X.

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