Detective Pikachu 2: Ryan Reynolds and Jonathan Krisel Team Up to Take the Sequel to Portlandia Co.
The very first Investigator Pikachu motion picture was routed by Rob Letterman and also released in 2019 to both important and ticket office success. It starred Ryan Reynolds as the titular Pokémon sleuth, with Justice Smith starring along with Reynolds as the film's lead human personality, Tim Goodman, and also Kathryn Newton as co-star Lucy Stevens. Detective Pikachu 2 reportedly has its eyes on Portland co-creator Jonathan Rise to guide the follow-up. Ironically, it was nearly 2 years ago that Smith said we should hide our hopes as he really did not assume Investigative Pikachu 2 would ever before occur, and also until just recently we've had no indicator that a sequel is in the works. It's vague at the moment whether that suggests he's in talks to return as Pikachu or involved in a various ability. Investigative Pikachu 2 does not have a release date. Per Target date (opens in brand-new tab), Rise is in negotiations to guide the sequel to the 2019 animated-liv...